Monday, March 12, 2012

How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes

We all need to clean our makeup brushes every now and then. Over time there will be a build up of oil and bacteria, and seriously, who wants that on their face? I find that a lot of women don't know how to clean their makeup brushes. Some don't even bother. And they wonder why they're breaking out. I like to deep clean mine once every 2 weeks and do a quick clean once a week. It's good to pick a day where you're not planning on using your brushes for an hour or two.

What you'll need:

*a good facial cleanser
*olive oil
*paper towels or an old towel
*rubbing alcohol if you want a quick clean

Now that you have everything you need, how do you clean them? Run your brushes under warm water. Just the bristles. You don't want to submerge the whole brush under water because it will ruin your brush and in time wear away the glue that holds the bristles together. Massage a small amount of cleanser into the bristles, then rinse. Lay them flat to dry on a towel. Do not let them dry standing up. If you want to clean any of your brushes that you've used in anything creamy such as lipstick or eyeliner, you'll want to use the olive oil. Massage the olive oil into the bristles and wipe clean onto a paper towel or just an old towel. Since eyeliner and lip brushes are pretty straight and flat, you'll want to use a back and forth motion to wipe them clean so you don't ruin the bristles.

If you want to do a quick, sanitizing clean, grab your rubbing alcohol. I like to put it in a mini spray bottle so I can just spray it on my brushes. After I spray one down, I brush it clean until I don't see any color rubbing off onto the paper towel. Remember, for flat straight brushes, use a back and forth motion. For any rounded brushes such as a kabuki brush or blending brush, use a circular motion.

And there you have it! Voila! Clean brushes. It's just another step to keeping your skin clean and free of oil and bacteria! Feel free to post any questions! :)

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